2010 was the year I decided to take control of my health and begin walking. My almost daily pilgrimage to the beach has become an integral part of my life, and in spite of the inclimate winter weather, I still sneak down when I can. I haven't given up on the walking though. It's been temporarily replaced by a treadmill and recumbent bike. It's not the same, but it's growing on me.
There were commissions and parties and lots of other good moments in 2010. There were, of course, some moments that I would not want to revisit again under any circumstances. But you know what? I can make the choice NOT to revisit those moments. It's all about editing, and I think this clip from "Everybody Loves Raymond" is the best statement on editing life that I've ever heard.
So, as we bid a final farewell to 2010, I hope that all you take with you into 2011 are the good memories, and I hope you take time to reflect on those things that have helped in your evolution of the wonderful and unique person that you are. "Happy Creating!"