Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thursday's Child Re-Deaux

Whoops! Apparently there were some file/compatibility/user ignorance (me) issues with Ro's photos for the Thursday's Child Interview.  Her pics were showing up fine for me but others were kind enough to contact me to let me know they were showing up as black rectangles with question marks. 

This is one of the lovely spreads from Ro's journal.  Hopefully you can see it and the problems are resolved.  Please take a look at her other photos and interview HERE.  Happy Day!  Remember to "Celebrate, LOVE, and Create!"


  1. I love your journal page! The colors are so beautiful! I'm definitely inspired.

  2. Thanks so much for the interview Angelia, I can see the photos now.

  3. What a great journal page--Love the colors and creativity!

  4. Yay! I am sorry I didn't get back to you, I was waiting to get back onto the computer at work to answer you about seeing the pics or not. I am glad I can see them now, they are beautiful.
    Hugs dear friend.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! It's a pleasure sharing the creative world of art journaling with you. I love hearing from you, so comments and questions are always welcome.

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