Yesterday was a fantastic day! Ro and I met at the beach for our morning walk. We headed down the shoreline in the opposite direction of our usual journey into territory yet uncharted by us. We came across an enormous tree care worn by Lake Erie and given to the beach as a spectacular bench. We indeed rested and enjoyed the calming waters gently kissing the sand.

I returned home, watered my flowers, made breakfast for myself and jumped back into the video project that I've been working on to share with you. It's my first video and I'm having all kinds of problems with it! After my tech guy (my son, Mike) came over last weekend and installed a conversion program, I thought the rest would be a walk in the park. I finally figured out how to insert some pics into my video, mute the video's audio and insert music. As I finished my breakfast, I was quite pleased with my WMM project and hit the "Publish Movie" button. I thought my problems were over, but NOOOooooooooo, not so quick there, Angelia. It seems that now there are compression issues. The bottom half of my video is now GREEN. What? Really? An emergency call to Tech Guy and I find out there's MORE installing of programs to be done.
OK. I'll admit it. I was PISSED OFF! I knew the only thing I was going to upload was my butt into the car and OUT of here. I was going on and on - WHY am I doing all this anyway? Who cares? I could be outside goofing off and enjoying the beautiful weather! Plan B initiated. I needed to go buy canvas for my commission anyway, and I really needed to step away from all things electronic. I made up my mind to share the video with you anyway, so I began the "upload video" process here in Blogger. After all, we're friends and friends share the crappy stuff, too. I went to my blogger dashboard, and that's when I noticed that there was now a comment on Thursday's post!
I look for comments on my post several times a day and I read EVERY single one. Your comments are what keep me posting and I want you to know how very much I appreciate each one. You guys always make me laugh and smile, but yesterday's comment took me totally by surprise. It read, " Angelia: I have given you an award on my blog...Hugs to you" It was from Kelly, from
Kellys Art Journaling, one of my very favorite blogs!
With a huge, dumb grin on my face, I rushed right over to
Kelly's Art Journaling to see what kind of award I'd been given, and here it is, "Cherry On Top Award". What an honor, and what TIMING! Pissed off? Who's pissed off? Ahhhh....synchronicity was at it again! Just when I was ready to pack it in and GIVE UP (at least for a day or two), I'm given the acknowledgment that I AM in the right place and I DO make a difference. So.....the rules for this award are:
1. THANK THE PERSON WHO GAVE IT TO YOU. Kelly, you and your blog are a huge inspiration to me. Thank you so much for your continued support of my efforts. I'm very touched that you thought of me for this award.
3. POST THREE THINGS YOU LOVE ABOUT YOURSELF: Just three? LOL - OK. 1. My dedication to LOVE - God, family, friends, all mankind regardless of race, creed, color or religious/sexual orientation. (The greatest illusion is that we are separate) 2. My sense of humor. 3. My passion for ALL of the fine arts & music.
4. POST A PIC YOU LOVE. Keith took this pic of us Thursday night at the beach sunset. How cute are we! :o)
Connie Hozvicka @ Dirty Footprints Studio. Genuine, juicy and BIG. I love this gal and her vision. Thanks for all your support, Connie.
Traci Bautista Can you say "Eye Candy"? I want to roll around in her art. WONDERFUL!
Effy Wild Wild AND Precious. And very supportive. Thanks, Effy.
Less Herger Another supportive and wonderful creative. Thanks for welcoming me into your journaling community, Less!
I could list MANY more blogs that deserve this award. I can't begin to tell you what a wonderful group of creatives it's been my pleasure to have met and to have become acquainted. I hope you will find time to visit these wonderful blogs and show your love and support to these wonderful creatives. Also check out the blogs that are included in the Blog Hops, and let these help inspire you on your own journey to "Happy Creating!"